Monthly Archives: August 2014

Free Philosophy Courses offered by some of the best schools:

Philosophy_shutterstockSide Rule: What’s Your Philosophy: 15 Great Courses, Videos and Resources

Life after College: The Video Resume

Have you ever felt like this: Drunkest Person in the World

ALS water dumping blamed for California Drought

ice-bucket-challenge-slide-v2 la-apphoto-california-wildfires-jpg-20140820

Los Angeles Times- Amid California’s drought, many wildfires but no disasters — yet

Los Angeles Times- Western drought causes Earth’s surface to rise as water levels drop

            After the recent ALS water dumping sensation California’s droughts have hit an all-time high, and made-up people of little consequence say ‘there is no end in sight’.  Evidence shows a direct correlation between these two events; ALS water dumping and Californian Droughts.  Currently, millions of super-famous, and generally regular-average-boring, Americans have taken to dumping buckets of water over their heads.  For years California has been promoting the prospect of buying and living where there is no water, and the ALS movement is the last straw in breaking the camels back that brought water to these individuals.  Ever since this ALS sensation took viral, water has been impossible to find, not only in Californian desert lands, but in Californian lands which aren’t described as deserts but actually are.  Unbeknownst to those wasting water in the Midwest, or in other celebrity dense cities, lacking water is possibly worse than having Lou Gehrig’s disease, and much more important. 

          Why is this happening you ask, because humans need water to drink, to survive, to put out fires, and to feed the plants, animals, and babies that they grow.  Without water we will eventually dry up and turn into beef jerky, or dust!  What the ALS doesn’t know is that water is essential to life, in general.  They don’t believe water is important, at all.  The ALS has taken to the streets, and to social media, to promote such atrocities as water dumping…  Sounds familiar you say, well that’s because water dumping is the not-so-distant second cousin of water boarding

          The ALS completely hates water and what it does for humans, plants, and the earth (as a whole).  This is an excerpt from the ALS website: 

“The ALS Association is the only national not-for-profit health organization dedicated solely to the fight against ALS. As the preeminent ALS organization, The Association leads the way in research, patient and community services, public education, and advocacy — giving help and hope to those facing the disease.  The Association’s nationwide network of chapters provides comprehensive patient services and support to the ALS community. The mission of The ALS Association is to lead the fight to cure and treat ALS through global cutting-edge research, and to empower people with Lou Gehrig’s Disease and their families to live fuller lives by providing them with compassionate care and support.” 

          ALS stands for Anti Lake Society, plain and simple.  This means the organization does not like lakes, or lake water i.e. fresh water; lakes are made of water, and space.  Moreover, Catholics and the Government have sanctioned those within their ranks to abstain from the practice- if that doesn’t say something, I don’t know (this is a good thing)…  Apparently the ALS also promotes stem cell research, which is completely illegal if you believe in God, the all mighty, and that blood is made out of wine, and that people can walk on water and magically create fish.  It’s bunny-rabbits motherfucker, not fish.  –Amateur magicians (ha, ha)…  Also, the government doesn’t want politicians promoting stem cell research, because that would just be too difficult to explain to religious voters. 

          All in all, the ALS comes across as innocuous, and as standing for something beneficial, however the idea of wasting water to send a message seems to do more harm than good.  Are we more excited about getting cold and wet and seen on video, or about giving money to benign researchers?  Human beings should back research that leads to cures, medications (useful ones), and understanding, but they should also be mindful of their wastefulness.  California is burning, and the ALS is busy collecting money for this type of promotion; dosing individuals with water, and spreading the word like wildfire- pun intended.  Have we become so vain that we can’t see our own demise in front of us?  Water is a limited resource, whether wasting it for the promotion of an important and positive message, or not.  I got an idea, why don’t we promote using water responsibly, turning off the facet, recycling and picking up trash.   I nominate you. 

How To: Drone Selfie

          As it has never before been done, I took the liberty (with the help of my step-father, and my girlfriend) to do the almost impossible… take a drone selfie.  Now you might think, aren’t drones solely for destroying innocent civilians in foreign lands, striking fear into the enemy, and making warfare as easy as a video game?  Perhaps.  However, I think the general public can one up the ubiquitous and ever powerful presence of government drone usage by creating a need of their own, the need for Drone Selfies.  

          Drones Selfies will be the new hot topic in America, and around the globe.  Trust me…  

          All you need now is an un-weaponized drone, someone with the capabilities of maneuvering said drone, and a GoPro 3 strapped to that drone, duh.  

          Stick it there US Defense, Drone Selfies are in, bombing enemies is OUT!  #fact #boom  Let’s face it, the only bombing these drones will be doing is photo bombing.  

Letter to the Editor: What’s in a Name; The Redskins and Lake Calhoun

4 TLake Calhoun- Wikipedia

I wrote this piece to MN Daily 11/11/13, it was never published.  The Redskins were to play the Vikings, just as they did last weekend. 


11/11/13 (previously unpublished)

In recent news proponents arguing for the name change of the Redskins rallied outside of the Metrodome in downtown Minneapolis.  This rally was set in place on the basis of a name change, the namesake of an NFL team, this team, the Washington Redskins.  This specific argument of change is very important, and central to the nation’s growth, and progressive equality for minorities; however, those same activists who went out to advocate the name change of an NFL team have overlooked the name change of a city landmark that is racially as disparaging, the name change of Lake Calhoun.

What are the true motives for those rallying against the name?  Is it a national hot topic that brings people out?  Why not try to fix something local?  Something as detrimental for minority groups as the name of an NFL team.  Lake Calhoun is a city landmark named in honor of a promoter of slavery, a confederate general from the South, and a person who slighted the ideas of abolitionists.  Yet we do nothing to change the name.  We stand outside of the Metrodome taking photos behind signs while the name of Lake Calhoun sits safely in the midst of our city. 

For living in this progressive city I feel this name an embarrassment.  I believe we as citizens have a right to protect the idea of equality within our community, not just those of nationwide spectacles. 

For the past 3 years, since I found the true origin of the name of Lake Calhoun (from an ambitious History Professor at MCTC, Matt Carhartt) I have seen nothing change.  I have heard nothing of the idea since.

Legalize Marijuana in Minnesota


MN Daily: Task force weighs medical marijuana law

          What is the problem with Medical Marijuana?  Why must we battle for such an innocuous herb to be legalized?  Was there a battle against Big Pharma when they introduced the plethora of drugs containing narcotics in the last five decades?  -I don’t recall.  One does not see protesting against pharmaceuticals made from far more dangerous substances, opiates and methamphetamines.  One does not hear speak of legislators creating laws to ban such substances that have, time and time again, killed, or put people in emergency rooms across the nation (CDC: Prescription Drug Overdose in the United States).

          We did not see this case argued when Ritalin was administered to children in the early 90’s, and still today (possibly under a different name).  I was a part of that, it was a reasonable remedy. 

          I wonder if anyone at this round table meeting mentioned concerns relating to abuse of currently legalized substances.

          Marijuana is a plant that can be grown locally, taxed locally, and administered/regulated locally, in a positive way.  The assumed pros outweigh the cons; economic benefits, patient benefits, offering alternative options to help patients attain the level of comfort deserved, in their unique and individual cases. 

          Why should the government allow one type of treatment and shun another?  Let’s take a hint from Washington and Colorado.  Let’s take a hint from patients.  The benefits of legalizing Marijuana are visible, and vast.  The country allows cigarettes, guns, prescription pills, and alcohol to be sold, with little question.  The war on drugs is over, apparently, yet we argue against facts. 

What is the difference? 



Primary Election Results; Remembering that I voted for the candidate with the best name

SONY DSCMPR News: Primary 2014 Results

Not unlike every single election I have ever taken part in, I voted for the candidate with the best name.  A name that stood out this primary was Tom Books.  If Tom Books is your name you are definitely going to get the intellectual vote. 

Aside from that, I knew not the stance of the candidate I was voting for, nor what they thought about high tuition, Sunday Sales Laws, and or equality.  On a whim I voted for Doug Mann, and surprisingly against Phyllis Khan.  I took the opportunity to vote Independent party all the way down because Republicans just fund wars and Democrats pretend to be against wars and fund them as well.  It felt good to vote against an incumbent that hadn’t done much for me (noticeably). 

Candidates should be more transparent, and have better names. 

All in all my vote was cast and counted, and it felt good!  Go Vote! 

Locals buying Local Goods, what a concept: More Minnesotans using state assistance at Minnesota farmers markets

1176286_10151568885587051_1581732061_nStar Tribune: More Minnesotans using state assistance at Minnesota farmers markets

It is a wonderful day when consumers realize they can purchase the products they need right here in the state of Minnesota, from Minnesota.

As a former employee of a grocery chain I took note of the amount of imported trash people bought (from out of state: import), it was insane.  I never knew Minnesota’s taxpayers were paying for consumers to buy soda, cheap processed foods, and basically any manufactured garbage, with low nutritional value, that a corporate food manufacturer could place in their hands.

I had little faith in the system, and it may be still happening around the metro; however, this is a sign of change.  It gives me satisfaction to see that people are voting with their dollar, or the taxpayer’s dollar, locally.

The manifest function is acquiring food and nutrition from a local source, the latent function is promoting  local economy, enacting less external cost, and consuming goods within our living proximity.  These actions are positive for Minnesota’s agricultural, societal, environmental and economical growth.

There are No Winners: “How Hamas Beat Israel in Gaza”, and All You Need Is Love

The New York Times-How Hamas Beat Israel in Gaza

If you ask me, I’m curious as to why no one thought of this before.  Hey Israel and Hamas, all you need is love (by The Beatles).  Nothing is more important than the life you lead and the love you share, not religion, not opinion, not hate.

Killing others because of subjective opinion (religion) is a meaningless endeavor.  You wouldn’t want someone killing you for your opinion… Would you?  Love one another and be happy.