Monthly Archives: October 2021

keep signaling

lady losing it in public
gesturing fingers to nose,
pull your mask up, properly
so it works.
it’s a life mission for
some now: control.
overweight, worn, and woke.
everything left, nothing right.
she tells the man
how it is. he’s probably toxic.
like this, over your
nose, the mask…hands up fast, quick.
jerking gestures gesticulating jester
people watch, and put their heads down.
she loses it. the man
shrugs. she goes
back to fire off emails at strays
about complaints: the
trash is overflowing, the
floor is dirty–all the
replacements for goals, like masking.
this life mission.
why can’t we buy more?
why can’t you want to buy things with me more?
why can’t you buy things for me more?
i don’t know anymore.
um the pandemic took our money,
our freedom to decide to wear
something or nothing on
our face, and you wonder why?
lady losing it in public,
you don’t want to know
what i think in private.
because your beliefs might
not be real. keep signaling.

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david and goliath
surrounded by opposition
voiceless screaming
best in bedlam
best on the couch at home
not alone, a few many say
unknown classical on the baby monitor
American Spirit on the tongue
bourbon in the belly
loafers on the wood floor
the computer sparks
like the pine tree fire
that smoked out my
neighbors and did in our last
summer’s pumpkin vines
and died in the backyard
yellow eye of moon between foliage
planes landing, booming waves of power
plastic toys on the walk
standing by the trash bins
cool sets in on the air
Rocky tells me he can taste snow
and work tells me i have to
prove myself
for something that does not
impact them at all
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david and golaith
to pay bills and keep benefits
do they even know?
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i am one to know

Budget Up. Pantry Up. Go.

A Renaissance of Hard Skill Jobs is Coming

If You Had Zero Debt, What Would You Say About Mandates?

Win as a Low-Income Earner

Consumer Debt is Forcing You To Do Things You Wouldn’t Normally Do

Mandates Are Failing in Real-Time in Minnesota

How Deadly is Coronavirus?Deadly is Coronavirus?

With A Budget You Can Just Do Things