Monthly Archives: December 2019

Hey Millennial, You Need an Emergency Fund



‘Inn’ is NOT Stable in Minnesota


Yesterday, between classes I created an audio titled Why I will NEVER vote Democrat again. Immediately after I published this art I realized that one should never say never. In St Paul, MN, there really are only one party of candidates: Progressive. So, Yes I will vote Democrat again, very soon.

The real issue of not voting Democrat as much would be that I do not enjoy big government. Too many hoops to jump through, too much micromanagement. I would assume people who vote Democrat would want less government and more individual freedoms, because we are all unique, but I may be wrong.

That’s about the only reason I have for never voting for a certain party… oh, and free market, and universal healthcare, and the, again, the economy.

Today is Monday, Seth Godin has me wondering how good of a boss I am. The Christmas tree is set, the Vikings won, and this week we will go below zero. I am thankful for the cold because hopefully it will curtail global warming. Again, a good boss would have me teaching 24×7 and making extra when I am having a beer or making a puzzle.

It was a good weekend all around.

12/8/2019–Cars, Cost, and Christmas Trees

At 6:10 am I made coffee and headed downstairs to teach English to students abroad. Again, I thought of the hike in cost that the St Paul City Council approved on Snow Emergency towing, it goes up for 43 %. I wonder how this impacts low-income households in St Paul.

On a similar note, my neighbor Nancy mentioned that her grandson’s Honda had been stolen from out front of her house. She asked if my cameras faced that way. I said “no”. We were coming home from a walk around the block on whatever clear sidewalk we could find. Kids in a big red wagon.

After teaching and double-checking my bank account and stretches, this morning we are going to pick up a Christmas tree. And that is the proper name of it, a Christmas Tree. We are getting it from my wife’s grandmother, Judy. The kids are excited, as am I. It should be an afternoon of the Viking’s game and tree decorating and Sloppy Joes.

Solution to Climate Cataclysm: Plowing Buses

Read Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell