Category Archives: Voting

Hey Millennials, Start Dave, Stop being Broke

America, USA–Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Is it too much for you to pay your student loans, your new car payment, your mortgage, and still afford your sweet vacation?

Well, then you need Dave Ramsey, and his Total Money Makeover system–and to stop living beyond your means like the rest of American society.

Dave Ramsey will give you the tools and concepts to get out of debt fast so you can start living a debt free lifestyle. A lifestyle free from being a slave to Consumerism and credit card masters.

Start reading, listening, and watching Dave Ramsey today and you will better your tomorrow. I am, and I know you can.

‘Inn’ is NOT Stable in Minnesota

Read Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell

George Washington Trump

The Economy is Great.

Bernie and Biden Pass Torch to Trump: “He’s the Best Democrat Candidate We Have, We’re Happy to Have Him Back!”

Biden, Bernie, and Democrat Candidate Trump

America, USA–In a stunning turn of events President Donald Trump announced his bid for the White House, again, bit this time as a Democrat.

Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden both conceded after failed campaigns, respectively, stating, “He’s the best candidate the Democrats got, he’s a great person and an even better leader… We’re happy to have him back!”

Since Trump has joined the Democrat party, polls show progressives now may possibly have a chance of winning the presidency in 2020, before this shocking announcement there was no hope.

Trumperham Lincoln

Big Data Loves Small Government

St Paul Trash: Vote No!

St Paul Trash: Vote “Yes” for No Choice